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Skin care basics for the winter

Skin care is particularly important when the temperature drops.

Well-groomed from head to toe – not always easy in winter because our skin isn’t exactly on the best terms with the cold and central heating. We’ve summarised the most important tips so that you can still look radiant and give your skin the right care in winter.


Why does my skin change in winter?
When it’s cold, the skin produces less skin oil. Without this protective lipid mantle, moisture evaporates faster from the surface of the skin. Central heating accelerates this process. The skin gets drier and often starts to feel tight. The best way of combatting that is a rich, water-in-oil based cream like FRESH cream rich. Sometimes, however, the reason our skin starts feeling tight is simply because it lacks moisture. In that case FRESH hydro serum will come in handy because it provides an extra dose of hydration. In addition, you can boost your beauty from the inside with CAPS beauty & hair – for a fresher complexion, stronger hair, firmer tissue and more resilient nails.


My skin still looks as if it got a lot of sun in summer. What should I do?
The best way to look after sun-pampered skin is our FRESH overnight treatments. Thanks to FRESH overnight face treatment and FRESH overnight body treatment the skin’s evenness is restored. Dryness lines caused by exposure to the sun are ironed smoothed thanks to the high concentration of vitamin derivatives. They are giving your skin the perfect boost.

Tip: Always ensure that you protect yourself adequately against the sun in summer. And you should also do so if you’re in the fresh air a lot in winter enjoying the sun. FRESH sunscreen face and FRESH sunscreen are ideal for that. 


Scaly patches on my legs. What to do?
If you suffer from very dry patches on your legs, you can apply protective care such as FRESH body milk during the day. In the evening, we recommend that you use FRESH overnight body treatment, so that your skin can renew itself overnight. That way, you can be sure of having beautifully smooth legs, even in winter.


What should I do about chapped hands?
Wet, cold and windy weather in winter is a real challenge to hands. Washing our hands is an important health precaution in winter but it also steals the oil in our skin. If your hands feel even drier after you’ve put cream on them, we recommend that you switch hand creams, and try one without perfume – like our FRESH hand balm. Tip: don’t forget your feet. For velvety-smooth feet, use our FRESH foot balm.

My lips are always chapped in winter – what will help?
Don’t moisten your lips with your tongue, and don’t nibble off loose skin with your teeth. That only makes the problem worse. A better idea: make regular use of FRESH tooth oil. The sesame oil it contains has a nourishing effect and promotes the skin’s ability to regenerate. Then apply a generous layer of FRESH lip balm to your lips. Cuckoo flower oil leaves your skin feeling silky. Berry wax preserves moisture.


Rough, scaly skin. What can I do about it?
When you shower and moisturise, use ultra-mild products that restore lipids. Tip: FRESH body wash cleanses with gentle sugar tensides. Our rich FRESH body milk with high-quality, moisturising plant oils ensures that your skin doesn’t dry out any further.

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