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Double Cleansing

The secret of flawless skin

Have you already heard about the new beauty secret from Korea that’s taken the world by storm? The cleansing routine from Asia has been winning hearts worldwide. We’re talking here about double cleansing – cleaning the face in two steps for flawless, radiant skin. Read on to discover exactly how this method works and which RINGANA products are the most suitable for doing it:


What is double cleansing?

As the name suggests, double cleansing is a two-step facial cleaning method. The origins of double cleansing go way back to ancient Japan where geishas used this method as part of their elaborate beauty rituals. Geishas were famed for their flawless, radiant skin and their creatively expressive make-up.

They developed the double cleansing concept in order to remove every trace of their heavy make-up without irritating their skin. The technique, made up of two quickly executed cleansing steps, later made its way to Korea which is particularly well-known for its advanced approach to beauty care.


Why is double cleansing the most effective cleansing routine?

A simple cleansing routine is often not enough to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the many kinds of dirt it encounters throughout the day. In a worst-case scenario, superficial facial cleansing may mean that we spread residual dirt even more over our skin, rather than removing it. This means that conventional cleansing may lead to less pleasant results such as inflammations, or even inhibit the effective absorption of subsequent grooming with serums and creams.

That is why the double cleansing routine relies on a clever combination of oil-based and water-based cleansers. This not only makes it possible to bind different kinds of dirt particles on the skin, but also enables deep cleansing down to the finest pores.


FRESH cleanser and FRESH cleansing water: the Perfect Match for your double cleansing routine

Step 1:
You should start your double cleansing routine with an oil-based cleanser, to effectively remove make-up, sunscreen and excess oil. When you do this, the oil binds the impurities that hide deep inside the pores, making it easier to wash them off. This is where FRESH cleanser comes in. This oil-based cleansing milk was specially developed to give you gentle yet thorough cleansing.

FRESH cleanser contains a wide range of natural ingredients that already start grooming your skin as you cleanse, and supply it with the necessary hydration:

  • Green tea extract’s natural tensides boost the cleansing effect.
  • Sesame oil is rich in natural antioxidants and its benefits have been known for centuries.
  • A special plant complex containing sweet clover, jojoba and ginkgo helps to stabilise the skin’s natural acid protection mantle.
  • Chia seed oil with essential a-linoleic acid supports the storage of moisture in the skin, preventing it from drying out.
  • Almond kernel oil and grape seed oil have a grooming effect which generously pampers the skin even as you cleanse.

For best results, apply FRESH cleanser to your damp face, neck and décolletage and smooth it in, mornings and evenings. Then rinse off with warm water, and your skin will be primed for the final polish with FRESH cleansing water.

FRESH cleanser
Cleansing milk
125 ml

Step 2:

Once you’ve thoroughly rinsed off the FRESH cleanser, you can start the water-based cleansing, to remove water-based impurities such as airborne dirt particles and sweat, and to prepare your skin for subsequent grooming. For this step, we recommend our fresh, brand-new FRESH cleansing water.

This mild cleansing fluid was developed to remove impurities and excess shine from your skin, and to give you a fresh, revitalised complexion. It is suitable for all skin types, but particularly good for young and oily skin.

What makes FRESH cleansing water unique is the micelles it contains. These are tiny clusters of molecules with an astonishing ability: they can enclose dirt deposits such as fine dust and residual make-up, and effortlessly remove them.

However, micelles aren’t the only ace that FRESH cleansing water has up its sleeve: it is also enriched with natural ingredients that provide your skin with all-round care:

  • Hyaluronic acid hydrates the skin, and promotes a firm, youthful look.
  • Bioflavonoids refine the pores, regulate sebum production and combat oily, impure skin.
  • Extracts of thyme, St. John’s wort and hibiscus flowers soothe the skin.
  • Aloe vera fresh plant juice and cherry water supply the skin with micronutrients and hydrate it.
  • Peptides from lactic acid bacteria strengthen the skin barrier, laying the cornerstone for healthy, radiant skin.
  • And another plus: FRESH cleansing water has such a mild formulation that it’s also suitable for the sensitive skin in the eye area.

FRESH cleansing water is easy to use. Moisten a (reusable) cotton wool pad with the cleansing fluid and stroke it gently across your face, neck and décolletage. If needed, you can then rinse off your face with water. However, FRESH cleansing water can also be used as a leave-on product and it’s ideal for removing eye make-up gently.

FRESH cleansing water
Cleansing fluid based on micelles
125 ml

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